Why Is It Important To Use A Process Server To Serve Wage Garnishment Documents? What is Wage Garnishment? When money is lawfully taken out of your paycheck and given to a third party, it is known as a garnishment or […]
Why Is It Important To Use A Process Server To Serve Wage Garnishment Documents? What is Wage Garnishment? When money is lawfully taken out of your paycheck and given to a third party, it is known as a garnishment or […]
What Happens When The Person I Served Says They Weren’t Served? When confronted with legal action, some persons would go to great lengths to evade receiving legal paperwork in the hopes of avoiding the repercussions of the action taken against […]
How Do I Serve Legal Documents on a Federal Government Agency? What Does “Serving The Defendant” Mean? When you file your case, you must formally notify the defendant that you are suing them. You accomplish this by having someone deliver […]
What Happens if the Address to Serve a Business is No Longer Correct? The United States Constitution Mandates Service Of Process. The United States Constitution states that no individual’s liberty, property, or rights will be violated without due process. This […]
How to Serve an Individual in a Correctional Facility? It is understandable that the process of serving someone in a correctional facility would seem to be difficult. Understandably, many people filing for divorce or other legal matters, or seeking a modification to […]
How Do I Serve Legal Documents on a Government Agency in California? What does “serving the defendant” mean? When you file your case, you must formally notify the defendant that you are suing them. You accomplish this by having someone […]
How to Serve Legal Documents on a Patient in a Hospital? The majority of a process server’s duties consists of finding the person so that the documents can be served. When a high-security location, such as a hospital, is involved, […]
Five Ways that Technology Helps Process Servers With the advent of the digital era, the process servicing industry is changing dramatically. Legal document service is still fundamentally the same, however technology is used by the sector to increase productivity, increase […]
Can you serve a Registered Agent even if the Entity terminates? Delivering official court paperwork to someone notifying them of an upcoming court action, debt collection, or criminal charges is known as the service of process. Papers could also be […]
Service of Process and Child Support Cases An essential step in the legal process involves delivering the necessary paperwork to the other party involved in a child support case. Typically, the child support process service is initiated by a primary […]
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